Wednesday, November 13, 2013

13/11/2013: That Feta Feeling... a quick reminder...

Remember that Michael Noonan's gaffe about him missing feta cheese in the supermarket should Greece exit the euro back in 2012? Reminder:

Speaking at a Bloomberg event in Dublin, the Minister said: “Apart from holidaying in the Greek islands, I think most Irish people don’t have a lot (of connections with Greece),” he said. “If you go into the shops here, apart from feta cheese, how many Greek items do you put in your basket?”

Now, here's 2011 distribution of Greek exports via

All cheese exports accounted for 1% of total Greek exports. Just thought I'd share while rummaging through the data piles...

Oh, and while on the topic... latest Leading Economic Indicators for the euro area:

Spot numbers 1, 2 and 3... Let's not stay too arrogant...

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