Friday, November 1, 2013

1/11/2013: Irish Consumer Confidence: Handle with Caution...

Having written just yesterday about Retail Sales for September 2013 (see here: I can now update the Consumer Confidence reading to October.

In October, Consumer Confidence indicator rose to 76.2 from 73.1 in September. This is the 10th highest reading for the index since April 2005 and the highest in 76 months since June 2007. If it were indicative of anything, we are sitting on a cusp of a consumer demand boom.

However, problem is that Consumer Confidence has a negative historical correlation with Retail Sales over the period of current crisis: correlation between Consumer Confidence and Value of Retail Sales since June 2008 is -0.663 and with Volume of Retail Sales it is -0.599. In other words, according to data, higher consumer confidence has been associated with lower retail sales (consumer demand).

Here's an illustration, updated to October for Consumer Confidence figure...

So caution, please, with interpreting Consumer Confidence.

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