Friday, October 4, 2013

4/10/2013: WLASze Part 1: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics

This is the first post of WLASze: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics for this weekend. enjoy!

A powerfully stylised and accomplished in technique, yet still young (in age, but even more importantly) in contextualising the meaning artist Andrew Salgado: via Saatchi Online:

Moving between the traditions of Euan Uglow (

Valery Koshlyakov (

The maturity is still lacking, though, hence rather over-dramatised treatment of portraits, but overall - Salgado is a promising artist in great line of tradition…

From Tanzania to China: 18 absolutely fascinating landscapes on Earth:

I covered number 13 before here: And I have seen numbers 6, 16, 17 myself… closeup and in person…
One of my favourite places, missing in the above is this:

That's right, the Death Valley. Unbelievably beautiful place.

The chain of innovation being triggered by 3D printers keeps expanding now to 4D printing incorporating materials memory:
So run this chain into the future:
Set A= {3D Printing + 4D Materials}
Set B= {"microfluidic" computer chips + DNA Memory}
Set C= {Wearable Tech}

Take sets A + B + C = merger of biotech and materials sciences into a seamless incorporation of all technology with our biological and neurological structures from chips auto-repairs of neurone connections to medicine hunting cancer cells to communications systems that replicate telepathy. Pretty soon - morning make up will not only shape our faces, but also carry our memory files, while our bodies act as "projection screens" for anyone we want to communicate with in, say, presenting business plan 'powerpoint' slides… keep going...

For set B see:

Amazing imagery from Tanzania shot by Nick Brandt

Brandt's work can be seen here:

Nice to see profiling the visualisations of mathematical constants by Martin Krzywinski - I featured his work twice:

Though, unlike - I wouldn't call him an artist in a strict sense. rather he is a visualisation scientist - a category of science that is somewhere between art and science in a normal sense. Maybe - it is just a branch of mathematics?.. Here is a snapshot of his fascinatingly intricate and deep work on 'accidental similarity':

A fascinating show in London's David Zwirner Gallery by Philip-Lorca diCorcia

There is amazingly nostalgic, sensitivity-filled space to his compositions, Hockney'esque
More of his work:
One of my favourites:

Stay tuned for more…

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