Saturday, October 12, 2013

12/10/2013: WLASze Part 1: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics

This is the first WLASze: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics for this weekend. The first instalment is on sciences, so a bit heavy on some topics. Enjoy.

Starting with a very very old stuff: according to the Russian researchers, the meteorite that exploded above a Russian city of Chelyabinsk (and on youtube screens) in February was about 4.56 billion years old, or as old as the Solar System itself.
Infographic with some details on meteorite impact is available here:

A cool, quick (and simple) list of top 5 most important physics discoveries of the last 25 years via BusinessInsider… oh and they throw in 5 future discoveries that are likely to change the world too:
My personal favourites: measuring the neutrino mass using Japan's Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector… archi-cool… and from the futures list - quantum computing…

While on physics and sciences - Nobel Prizes this year:
Physiology or Medicine:
All worthy, in my view, unlike this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Peace Prize 2013 is a bit of a dodo, to be honest, just like some previous ones: In this category in general, the Nobels are often given for uninspiring, bizarre reasons.
Literature Prize: also too often given for political reasons or for the reasons of obscure complexity and academism - was given this year to seemingly a worthy recipient:

We are obviously holding our breath for Economics 'Nobel' - to be announced comes Monday. My best are in with a number of news outlets, but I'd rather keep them off the blog, as I generally prefer to avoid making predictions...

On a lighter (only slightly) scale of things: for aspiring physics fans: Physics World at 25 puzzle page:

In continuation of the links I posted last week on the merger of materials sciences, human-tech interfaces and new tech development, here's an article about the latest discoveries in the metal composition are, showing shape-changing properties of metal crystal:
And while on it: an article on 'smart' fabrics:
And wearable tech:
See my original links on the topic of 4D printing here:
These have now been incorporated into my talk about Human Capital-centric world and technological enablement which I will be delivering next comes early Monday at the Economic Forum / The Gathering-linked event in Ireland, hosted by the Irish-American biotech company, Alltech.

Talking of Irish researchers, we had some brilliant news out of TCD recently: Basically, Trinity College researchers "have shown -- for the first time -- a direct link between solar storms, caused by explosions on the sun, and solar radio bursts, which cause the potentially dangerous communications disruptions on Earth."

The complex inter-relationship between observations, data collection and data analytics exemplified by TCD research mentioned above is, however, much more manageable than the data conundrums presented by ever-growing social data flows. Here is an excellent exposition of the problem
The problem is not the size of the data we are getting, but the "the sheer complexity and lack of formal structure". Put differently, and in comparative to physics: "“In physics, you typically have one kind of data and you know the system really well,” said DeDeo. “Now we have this new multimodal data [gleaned] from biological systems and human social systems, and the data is gathered before we even have a hypothesis.” The data is there in all its messy, multi-dimensional glory, waiting to be queried, but how does one know which questions to ask when the scientific method has been turned on its head?"

And a related article:

Stay tuned for arts posting later today.

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