Tuesday, October 1, 2013

1/10/2013: Irish Patenting Activity Q3 2013

Data on patents and patent applications for Ireland was published today by New Morning IP. Here's their summary and couple of my comments:

"In summary for September 2013:

  • 192 published applications or patents issued to Irish applicants through USPTO, EPO and PCT.
  • Top three assignees: Zamtec, Accenture Global Services and Digital Optics
  • Academic institutions accounted for 14% of Irish invention published this month
  • 41% of publications were Irish-originating inventions"
Now, my look at the data:
  • There was an increase from previous levels for Irish academic institutions share of all patents filed to 13.0%. In Q4 2012 - Q2 2013 these ranged between 7.9% and 10.7%.
  • In Q3 2013 there were total of 84 Irish academic patents granted or applied for, against the total number of Irish inventions at 274 and overseas inventions at 371. 
  • Numbers of Irish inventions in total declined from 283 in Q2 2013 to 274 in Q3 2013 and now stand at the lowest level since full quarterly records begin (Q4 2012).
  • Number of all patents applied for or granted rose to 645 in Q3 2013 from 636 in Q2 2013. This represents the second lowest level of activity for the entire period since Q4 2012.

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