Thursday, October 10, 2013

10/10/2013: IMF's GFSR October 2013: Focus on Corporate Debt Overhang

I'll be blogging out today some interesting charts from the IMF's GFSR October 2013... these will appear in no particular order, with brief summaries...

Here's a start: non-financial corporate sector debt crises in the euro periphery. I always noted that the important issue in the current crisis is not just a traditional sovereign debt crunch, but the debt overhang over what I call the total real economic debt: household, non-financial corporate and government debts.

In the above that Irish banks offer lower rates, based on the bank capital and reserves ratio to NPLs than other banks, including Portugal, Italy and Spain. Also note that 5 years into the crisis and after massive recapitalisations Irish banks buffers are lower than for any other economy, save Cyprus and Greece. That is the cost of delaying resolution of the loans.

Note: my latest article on European and Irish banking systems is available here:

The next four charts show that quality of loans to non-financial corporate sector is deteriorating and remaining poor for firms in the periphery, while improving for German and French firms.

Most worrying is the Italian situation where quality of loans is continuing to deteriorate and the rate of deterioration is accelerating, while Spanish situation remains exceptionally weak:

Things are desperate-to-dire in Greece and Portugal too:
More to come, so stay tuned...

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