Thursday, September 5, 2013

5/9/2013: IBM: 64% of global CMOs want to approach customers as individuals

Since 2009, IBM Institute for Business Value has been surveying C-level executives around the world to  assess the development of digital economy.

Recently, IBM released some headline numbers for the forthcoming (October) survey for 2013:

  • 64% of CMOs want to approach customers as individuals
  • 71% of CIOs see communication moving towards more social/digital collaboration
  • Majority (55%) of CHROs foresee increasing organisational openness
  • Just 34% of organisations have an in-depth understanding of their customers
  • But 78% expect their organisations to have an in-depth understanding of their customers by 2017
  • Only 1 in 5 organisations has the capacity to use Big Data with just 40% intergating internal and external data sources, just 18% using Big Data to identify new products and services
  • 77% of all CFOs support products and services innovation

Handy info graphic (you can click on it to enlarge):


  1. Stuff that I listen to from many of the social media companies, relates to the huge proliferation of simple, basic, low power smart phone type devices in many parts of the world in the next few years. Places which may never have had a web generation as such. Comments made by some programmers, suggest that in America or Europe we will tend to 'waste' data bandwidth on our mobile platforms, with extra stuff packed into our news feeds, twitter feeds and so on. But that in other parts of the world, that just won't do. It is will more of a focus on lightweight, fast, parred down data that fits into all sorts of minimal data access plans that may become available to millions of users.

    One thing that could be important though for users of these devices in more wealthy parts of the world, is the some software developers have termed 'semi-private' spaces in social media - with the suggestion, that the model that most social media is based on today is 'full public, everything, all the time'. But also, it is surprising at the moment, how very little of the companies out there, even the larger, well known ones have done much to develop the newer semi-private models as yet. So while we can get the latest cutting edge smart phones in places like Ireland, with 'generous' data plans for them (relatively speaking, compared to other parts of the globe), and we can run heavy types of apps, and feeds over these devices, . . . there are some things which are not being addressed in that architecture.

    So in both the heavy weight and lightweight mobile, data architectures in the future, here is much development work left to be done in terms of perfecting the experience.

  2. Geoff Nunberg's contribution summarized in a sentence.

    'On the internet, no one knows you are a dog', has become, 'On the internet everyone knows what dog food you like to buy'.

    Or, if you prefer, his six minute audio version is worth a listen.
