Tuesday, September 17, 2013

17/9/2013: CBI Sets New Targets for Mortgages Arrears Resolution

The Central Bank of Ireland has published new target for the mortgages resolution process: http://www.centralbank.ie/press-area/press-releases/Pages/CentralBankstatementonMortgageArrearsResolutionTargetsConcludedArrangements.aspx

The new target is that by the end of December 2013, 15% of mortgage holders in arrears above 90 days (as of the end of June 2013, ) should have "concluded agreements " completed. In March 2013, the Central Bank had requested offers of solutions to be made in respect of 20% of arrears cases, rising to 30% to Q3 and 50% by the end of December 2013. On foot of these targets, the Central Bank is now requiring that 15% of all arrears cases above 90 days should be concluded by the end of year.

March 2013 target of 20% offers of solutions by the end of Q2 2013 required the banks to submit formal offers on 19,575 principal residences mortgages accounts and 6,065 BTL accounts, while the new target of 15% concluded arrangement covers 14,681 principal residences mortgages accounts and 4,549 BTL accounts. In other words, the Central Banks combined targets are for the banks to issue formal offers of solutions to 25,640 accounts and achieve concluded arrangements on 19,230 accounts.

Detailed Central bank paper setting out original set of targets is available here: http://www.centralbank.ie/press-area/press-releases/Documents/Approach%20to%20Mortage%20Arrears%20Resolution%20-.pdf

IMHO will be issuing a more extensive press release on today's announcement later, stay tuned for the link.

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