Saturday, July 6, 2013

6/7/2013: WLASze Part 2: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and Zero Economics

The send part of my regular WLASze (Weekly Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics). The first part is available here:

Let's start with a Prime Ministerial take on Summer in Moscow

via Russia's Dmitry Medvedev @MedvedevRussiaE on twitter and

My reports suggest that the city is, per usual in such weather, is being abandoned for dachas, which makes it great time to be in the city. Moscow has this most outstanding quality to it when it is deserted by the crowds - a city full of signs of its tremendous speed and energy, yet devoid of both. Walking its empty (well, nearly empty, as it is Moscow after all) boulevards, city centre streets, in near-solitude. A museum visited on the 'Members-only' days… a park caught in the stillness of a storm approaching… a train station in the dead of the night…

As Brodsky put it: "Loneliness cubes a man at random." ( Except in a good way...

On Brodsky's Urania (linked above) - more threading of the needle: Auden's
"Altogether elsewhere, vast
Herds of reindeer move across
Miles and miles of golden moss,
Silently and very fast."

An excellent link via @farnamstreet to Clayton Christensen comments on big data and how ideas emerge interview with The Economist:
Quote: "most of our education is organized the same way – silos. One way for individuals to improve decisions and ideas is to intersect the main ideas from the big disciplines."
Gels with my article in last week's Sunday Times:

More on the issue of links between humanities, education and sciences and relating also to my Sunday Times article from last week:

Yet more on the same topic of broader thinking:

Thinking critically on critical thinking: why scientists' skills need to spread - the article takes the half of the complete dimension in education by arguing that science skills should be spread wider across non-scientific fields of inquiry. I agree. But this is now an accepted wisdom: artists do use scientific language and tools. The opposite direction is yet to be accepted in education and academia and even applied sciences…

And here's an example of poor use of visual and signifier tools that comes from 'management sciences'. A hideously MBA-ish image of 'Inspiration' based on uninspiring clutter of pop-icons and half-finished 'thoughts' that creates more confusion than clarity and is brought to an even more striking vividness by the 'pensive' nature of an 'artsy thinker' pondering the banality over the space of an 'academist' blackboard... Yeeks!

Stay tuned for more links in part 3 forthcoming tonight.

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