Tuesday, July 2, 2013

2/7/2013: Irish Retail Sales May 2013: A View from a Hurricane Shelter

Retail sales stats were relaxed few days back and I had no chance to update the series until now. So here's the headline analysis for May 2013.

Table below summarises the latest data:

The Retail Sales Activity Index is my own index based on volume and value of core retail sales and consumer confidence indicators, weighted to reflect both prices and volumes contributions to sector activity as measured by sector employment and contribution to the national accounts.

Charts below show dynamics:

You can see in the last chart above the flat (negative slope, but basically zero) trend that is prevailing in the series since January 2009. Same trends are basically present in ex-motors, automotive fuel and bars sales, although May 2013 data did come in at an upside, without breaking the overall trend. But the same is not true for the motor trades, which are heading South once again and along what appears to be a turning trend:

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