Wednesday, June 12, 2013

12/6/2013: Statement, Questions, Facts

Statement: "She pointed out that one in five of credit union loans was in arrears for more than nine weeks. This 20pc figure compares with 11pc of mortgage holders being in arrears for three months or more."


Question 1: Given that both Credit Unions and banks are regulated from the same Central Bank, why are we using different time bases for comparatives on NPLs?

Fact: 11.9% is the actual percentage of mortgages in arrears (by account numbers) over 90 days, per latest official data available (Q4 2012), which rounds to 12% not 11%.
Fact: Including BTLs, 13.04% of all mortgages were 90 days and more in arrears (by accounts) and 18.2% by outstanding amounts.

Question 2: Given the above, why is the Registar of Credit Unions referencing 11%?

Fact: Balance of mortgages in arrears over 90 days in Q4 2012 was 15.8%.

Question 3: Should we reference balances for comparatives?

Fact: in Q4 2012 all mortgages in arrears (>30 days or over 4 weeks and given reporting and registration lags, closer to probably 6-7 weeks) amounted to 19.3% of all mortgages by account numbers and 24.9% of all mortgages by outstanding amounts. All of the sudden, that vast difference implied in the quote above is... err... rather much smaller.

Aside: why are we now ca 2 weeks behind the normal release schedule for mortgages arrears data?

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that Irish journalists are continuing to maintain their usual standards when it comes to accurate reporting
