Saturday, May 25, 2013

25/5/2013: Saturday Reading Links

Some interesting reading links:

FT Weekend edition has a full supplement on Venice Biennale 2013 - no link, but here's the official page:

A fascinating article from The Economist on the movement toward technology displacing 'knowledge' workers next

This cuts across my own view that we are seeing rising complementarity between technology and human capital, as opposed to substitutability thesis advanced in the article. The Economist view is thought provoking, for sure.

At last, there is a proof of the theorem that postulates that gaps between prime numbers are bounded: and more on same

An excellent piece on the changes big data is bringing to economics - not from the point of view of new studies directions, but from the point of view of verifiability:
There added 'bonus' points in the article discussing overall relationship between the research recognition, rewards and background work.

And a brilliant example of just how atavistic and primitive is the understanding of the web-based and mobile-platformed services in the top political echelons in Europe:
Apparently, dinosaurs in French political elites have trouble comprehending just how revolutionary to culture and its creators (artists, thinkers, analysts, developers etc) Apple 'i'- and Google platforms are. It is highly likely that iTunes, for example, are doing more to distribution of Francophone music across the world than the entire Ministry of 'French' Culture. Then again, the entire tax debate in Europe is never about culture or arts or anything tangible, but about finding ever more elaborate and bizarre paths for milking the economy to sustain ever expanding state.

While on topic of matters European, a fascinating study on genetic persistency in European populations covered in
Given it comes from the US (original home to Apple and Google), may be the French can pay a special levy to the US for bothering to include their subjects in global research? Afterall, shall they fail to pay up, ignoring France should not be that hard - it works in geopolitics and economics, after all...

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