Thursday, May 2, 2013

2/5/2013: News from the Irish Tax Haven Central... Barrow St, D2

Given our Manufacturing PMI released today, things have to be looking sour when it comes to Irish GDP and GNP for Q1-Q2 2013. But, as always, never mind. In reality, Irish manufacturing is no longer the core driver of the economy. Instead, making stuff in Ireland (even if it was done for tax purposes with la-la-land accounting for value added) is now surpassed by billing revenues into Ireland by the services exporters, like Google.

Of course, the latter activity is also driven by tax arbitrage. And it is booming. So much so, that we now have a weekly international media instalment labeling Ireland a tax haven for services exporting MNCs.

Here's the latest one

And should you want to trace more stories on the same subject of Ireland as tax haven, here is the link to start with (keep tracing posted links):

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