Friday, May 17, 2013

17/5/2013: Ireland v Iceland 2013

Ireland vs Iceland macroeconomic comparatives in 15 simple charts that DofF wouldn't want you to see...

All data is either IMF direct-sourced or based on IMF data. Click on the charts to see more detailed comments imbedded in them.

Three charts on GDP comparatives:


External trade and balance:

Unemployment and Employment:

Government Finances:

1 comment:

  1. Lets not forget the birth rate in Ireland during the early to mid 1990s was much lower back then.

    The class of 2013 born around 1995~ is much smaller - therefore youth unemployment is more subdued then would otherwise be the case.

    What I can't understand is "respected economists" who wish to scale up the banking system beyond national borders.
    It has been a failure , they recognize it has been a failure and yet they want more of the same.
