Monday, March 25, 2013

25/3/2013: Bankrupted Cyprus, aka 'The Rescue'

While European 'leaders' celebrate the breakthrough 'bailout' agreement with Cyprus, let's get back to Planet Reality, folks. The 'deal' is based on a EUR10bn loan to the Cypriot Government for which the taxpayers will be on the hook.

EUR10bn = 56.2% of the country 2013 forecast GDP.

And now, let's begin counting the proverbial chickens:

  1. IMF forecast for GDP - used above - is based on nominal GDP growth over the fiscal year 2013 of 0.33%. Even by IMF 'rosy' standards this is way off the mark, as other (EU Commission and Cypriot own) forecasts envisioned GDP contracting between 0.5% and 1.3% in 2013.
  2. IMF forecast is based on pre-bailout assumptions with the banking sector returns to the economy being at the levels consistent with full functioning of the Cypriot financial services sector.
  3. Even outside the above points, IMF forecast through 2017 saw Government debt/GDP ratio in Cyprus rising to 106.11%, prior to the current 'deal' on foot of forecast GDP growth of 2.87% per annum on average between 2013 and 2017.
Now, with the deal:
  1. Shrinkage of the financial services sector will be immediate and deep;
  2. Deficit financing of any capital investment by the Cypriot Government will cease;
  3. New debt is going to be loaded onto the country;
  4. Reduced savings and exits by larger depositors will mean reduced revenues for the economy, etc
Much of this was outlined in my previous post on debt sustainability in Cyprus (

Now, let's do simple exercise. Add EUR10bn to Cypriot debt pile and get scenario of Cyprus (post-crisis with no growth effects).

Then, adjust GDP growth from 2013 through 2017 to yield average rate of economic growth of -0.18% annually (note, this is much more benign than Greek forecasts for the first 5 years of the crisis which are equal to -2.94% annually on average). This yields scenario of Cyprus (post-crisis with growth effects).

The above two scenarios are compared in the chart below against Greek forecasts by the IMF and the pre-'bailout' forecast by the IMF for Cyprus:

This is what the EU leadership is currently celebrating - a wholesale, outright bankrupting of the entire country. Well done, lads!


  1. Stefanos KouzofMarch 25, 2013

    EU stood for the bankruptcy laws to be held and no burden be placed on ordinary citizens (deposits bellow 100K EUR).
    Now Cyprus has banks that paid for their mistake to invest in (the now officially bunkrapted) Greek state bonds, and can start financing its economy once more.
    Now Cyprian economy is free to work again, and return to growth. Which it will. Cyprus has excellent prospects in tourism and energy.

  2. Stefanos, the degree of delusion your comment exhibits suggests you are being sarcastic ad extremum.

  3. It is not €10B of additional debt.

    Most of it will probably go towards refinancing existing debt - at a lower interest rate.
