Wednesday, February 13, 2013

13/2/2013: CESIfo Index shows improvements in Global Economy

CESIfo institute has issued its analysis of the global economy and... some good news: per CESIfo index tracking global growth, world economic climate indicator finally is up after two consecutive declines.

The increase in the index "was mainly driven by significantly more positive assessments of the 6-month [forward] economic outlook." At the same time, "assessments of the current economic situation improved only slightly. After 6 months of stagnation, the prospects for the world economy seem to be brightening."

  • Asia led the global index rise, with region index "now higher than its long-term average once again. Both assessments of the current economic situation, and especially expectations, have brightened considerably." 
  • In the case of North America "the rise in the economic climate indicator was mainly due to improved assessments of the current economic situation. Despite the improvement, the current economic situation is not completely satisfactory in this region." 
  • Per CESIfo release: "The current economic situation is also unfavourable in Western Europe. Assessments of the 6-month [forward] economic outlook, on the other hand, were significantly more positive, which led to a moderate overall improvement in the economic climate." 

CESIfo Index panel "on average expect short-term interest rates to remain largely unchanged over the next six months. However, they believe that long-term interest rates are set to increase slightly. On worldwide average, economic experts expect moderate growth in the value of the US dollar over the next six months."

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