Tuesday, October 30, 2012

30/10/2012: Eurocoin signals continued recession in October

Euro area economy did not improve significantly in September-October, according to the leading composite indicator eurocoin published by the CEPR and Banca d'Italia.

Per eurocoin,

  • October growth reading stood at -0.29%, statistically indistinguishable from -0.32 and -0.33 recorded in September and August, respectively. 
  • October marks thirteenth consecutive month of contraction being signaled by eurocoin
  • Crucially, 3mo MA is now at -0.313 which is the same as 2008-2009 average (-0.31). 6mo average is at -0.23.
  • We are now into the fourth month of statistically significant sub-zero readings.

As charts below show, ECB remains in the operating range where inflationary target is not consistent with Taylor Rule target.

And here's a chart from Morgan Stanley Research showing PMI-based indicators are also pointing South:

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