Monday, October 22, 2012

22/10/2012: Income Tax in Ireland: a snapshot

Another tax chart (source here) on effective income & social security taxes in various countries:

And so where's Ireland in this? I took KPMG tax calculator for 2012 and... for a person on $100,000 (depending on which exchange rate you take - spot or 3mo average), Ireland scores:

  • Self-employed person, single, no children effective tax rate of 40%
  • PAYE effective tax rate of 37.5-37.75%
  • Average for a single earner tax rate of 38.42%
See for yourselves where that places Ireland.

More on this in forthcoming Village Magazine issue.


  1. The US profile appears to exclude State income taxes (only a few states have no state income tax.) Also excluded is city taxes like those deducted in NYC from income.
    Based on my own anecdotal experience of the USA which is inconsistent with the US return here I would be skeptical of the other country figures provide by the Économist magazine as quoted.

  2. The picture of Ireland's Tax just means one thing. There are things that the state must be changing so that they can cope up with other state's tax rate.
