Friday, September 7, 2012

7/9/2012: Ireland is not exactly shining in Global Competitiveness terms

Spot that Highly Competitive economy called Ireland?

Yep, that's right:

  • Ireland ranks 27th in the Global Competitiveness Index 2012-2013 a great improvement in rankings from 29th place in 2011-2012 won by the massive internal devaluation on the sacrificial fields of defending the overvalued euro.
  • Ireland rnaked 35th in Basic Requirements sub-index, 25th in Efficiency Enhancers sub-index and 20th in Innovation and Sophistication Factors sub-index
  • Ireland ranks 131st in the world in Macroeconomic Environment,
  • 108th in the world in Financial Markets Development,
  • 20th in the world in quality of higher education and training,
  • 18th in the world in business sophistication, and
  • 21st in business innovation.
All results are, of course, skewed positively by the MNCs operating here. 

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