Saturday, August 18, 2012

18/8/2012: What the IDA forecasts don't tell us?

I waited for several days before posting about the latest mystery of Irish statistics. 

This presentation from IDA contains the following chart:

Now, IDA is correct in highlighting the Current Account as a key to our recovery 'policies'. For a number of reasons:

  1. In virtually all debt overhang recessions in the past, return to positive surpluses on current account were required as a necessary, albeit not always sufficient, condition to restore economy to a stable path
  2. In Ireland, we have witnessed some significant improvements in the Current Account so far during the Great Recession
Alas, the above chart is a mystery to me. Let me explain.

Firstly, it cites CSO as the source of the chart. I have contacted CSO about their 'forecasts' for 2012-2017 period for the Current Account and their reply was: 
"Having consulted with my colleagues they assure me that they do not produce forecasts, let alone five year forecasts. Furthermore, my colleague suggested that the figures might be derived from a paper published by the Dept. of Finance (page 9): It should be stressed, however, that these figures are the department's and not the CSO's."

Now, here are two forecasts for Ireland's Current Account known to me, sourced from the updated IMF database (July 2012 update to WEO database) and the above link from the Department of Finance:

Clearly, no source, bar IMF projects anything beyond 2015. Also, clearly, even the IMF projections appear (one can't really properly read IDA chart) to be as 'upbeat' as IDA's chart in 2013-2017 projections range. 

But wait, recall that IMF is providing a forecast, based on their central tendency scenario. They also provide useful assumptions and data that went into their scenarios assessments which allow us to compute historical confidence intervals for their own forecast. And, ahem, it turns out the IMF 'central' tendency forecast - illustrated above - firmly falls outside the reasonable 90% single tail confidence interval (adjusting for sample size, but caveating this). In other words, it is improbable, were historical Irish performance on current account balance to be out guide. The same applies to the stress-testing metric on current accounts used by the IMF - the primary current account balances (current account ex-interest payments).

So the IMF forecasts above assume massive change in Irish current account performance relative to history, the change that - may be IDA can expand on this - is supposed to come in the environment of adverse global trading conditions, pharma cliff hitting Irish exports, and re-orientation of trade flows worldwide away from North-South shipments of higher value added goods and services toward South-South flows.

But wait, things are actually worse than that. DofF forecasts deviate from the average for the above sources ex-DofF by a cumulative 1.7% of GDP and from those by the IMF by a cumulative of 2.5% of GDP for the period 2011-2015, which means that DofF forecasts are even less probabilistically likely to materialise than those for the IMF.

Even were the IMF to materialise, Ireland's current account surplus in 2012-2017 will be 2.78% of GDP on average - an impressive swing from a recent historical performance, yet contrasted by the economy with ca 120% debt/GDP metric on Government side alone! Anyone out there really thinking this is going to be a silver bullet for our economy?

So things are a bit less rosy than the IDA seems willing to admit to the prospective Foreign Direct Investors and the media. 

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