Monday, July 16, 2012

17/6/2012: Services Value Index for Ireland - May 2012

Some good news for a change:

Per CSO: "The seasonally adjusted monthly services value index increased by 5.5% in May 2012 when compared with April 2012 and there was an annual increase of 8.0%." Some notable mom changes were:

  • Information and Communication (+12.1%), 
  • Business Services (+6.3%), 
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade (+4.5%), 
  • Other Services (+2.3%) 
  • Accommodation and Food Service Activities (+0.3%) 
  • Transportation and Storage showed a monthly decrease of 1.4%.

Some larger yoy moves were:

  • Information and Communication (+20.0%), 
  • Transportation and Storage (+8.7%),
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade (+8.3%), 
  • Other Services (+0.8%) 
  • Business Services (+0.2%) 
  • Accommodation and Food Service Activities showed an annual decrease of 2.5%.

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