Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5/6/2012: Some recent links

Few past links worth highlighting:

An excellent article from PressEurop titled "The people have become a nuisance" focusing on real democratic deficit at the heart of modern Europe as exposed by the financial crisis.

An article on MEPs approving CCCTB.

And an article on symmetric pressure on Irish corporate tax rates from the other side of the pond.

A good summary (non-technical) of Basel III expected impact on European banks.

S&P Note on USD43-46 trillion refinancing cliff.

EU Commission assessment of the graveyard: Zombies Must Do as Zombies Have Done on fiscal deficits.

PMIs for June:
And add Spain at 41.8 for Services - the latest disaster. Along with Spanish unemployment chart worth taking a look at.

Soros on grave state of financial economics.

Excellent piece on the end of easy growth path for China.

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