Monday, May 7, 2012

7/5/2012: Analysis of April Irish PMIs (4): Profitability

This is the last post on April 2012 PMIs. In the first and the second posts, I covered headline index readings forManufacturing PMI and Services PMI for April 2012. In the third post, I looked at the Employment sub-indices for both sectors. This post will focus on profitability conditions, an index I derived from the PMI data.

April 2012 saw profit margins conditions deterioration slowing down in Services from -15.06 in march to -11.96 in April. 12mo MA is now at -15.9, shallower than the average deterioration in profit margins during the pre-crisis period (-17.8), but deeper than -14.7 average reading for the period since January 2008. Overall, -11.96 April 2012 reading is the slowest pace of profit margins deterioration recored since October 2010. 3mo MA is now at -13.8 and this marks a significant improvement on -19.8 deterioration for 3mo MA a year ago.

Manufacturing profitability index has moved from -24.84 in March 2012 to -22.86 in April 2012, marking the second sharpest decline since March 2011. 12mo MA is now at -17.1, while 3mo MA is at -23.3. This compares against pre-crisis average reading of -11.6 and January 2008-present average of -14.55.

So on the net, profitability conditions continue to deteriorate, but deterioration in Services is less pronounced and de-accelerating continuously compared to historic trends. Deterioration in Manufacturing profit margins continues unabated and is running well beyond historical averages.

The above suggests that while some positive momentum is possible for employment in Services sector, it is unlikely that profits conditions will support much of an employment uptick in Manufacturing.

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