Friday, February 10, 2012

10/2/2012: Two charts for a Friday night pint

Two charts for some Friday night thinking instead of (or even while) drinking. One courtesy of Lorcan Roche Kelly flagging it on twitter (link here):

No, it's not Nouriel Roubini references that are of import in the above - entertaining as they might be - it's the likely pending reversal in the series that some techies have noticed. Hope you are not too long into the weekend...

Second chart is my own. I took a simple ratio (expressed in %) of General Government Deficit to Structural Deficit to highlight the extent of the spending related to excess over structural imbalances, in other words - to show some pro- and counter-cyclicality. Underlying data came from IMF WEO.

Some points worth noting: US has been running expansionary (in excess of structural) deficits since 2007 and these have peaked in 2009. UK started slightly later - in 2009 and will be running these through the entire forecast period. Here's an interesting thing - for all the austerity claims in the UK, ordinary deficits are expected to run above structural deficits all the way through 2016. 

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