Monday, December 5, 2011

5/12/2011: Exchequer balance: November

In the previous post we looked at the Exchequer receipts. Now, let's take on Exchequer deficit.

Based on data through November 2011, Exchequer deficit stands at €21.37bn in 2011 against the same period 2010 deficit of €13.35bn. However, netting out banks recapitalizations and the sale of stake in BofI, Exchequer deficit on comparable basis was €11.72bn in 11 months of 2011 or €1.63bn below that in 2010.

Factoring in the pensions levy (temporary measure), savings to-date amount to €1.18bn on 2010 period.

Anti-climatic? You bet. Chart below breaks down the 'savings' achieved, with data reported for annualized rate of spend based on January-November 2011 receipts. Voted current expenditure for 2011 rose from €36.39bn in 2010 to €37.59bn in 2011 (data through November for both). Voted capital spending fell from €4.26bn in 2010 to €3.08bn in 2011 (again, data through November). So all of the above 'savings' come from tax increases and capital cuts. Again, when it comes to current spending (Government services), there is no austerity on the aggregate. In fact, there is ever-increasing profligacy. Once again, keep in mind, this does not mean there is no pain. It's just that the pain we have is really in the form of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

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