Friday, December 16, 2011

16/12/2011: QNA for Q3 2011 - that R-thing again

Initial estimates for Q3 2011 released by CSO today show that seasonally adjusted, GDP fell 1.9% qoq  and GNP declined 2.2% qoq. Year on year, GDP is down 0.1% and GNP is down a whopping 4.2%.

In constant prices terms, real GDP fell €836mln qoq in Q3 2011 (-2.0%) and €57mln yoy (-0.1%). Relative to the peak in 2007, real GDP is now down €3,318mln or -7.6%. In constant prices terms, real GNP is now down €574mln (-1.8%) qoq and €1,404mln (-4.2%) yoy. Compared to peak 2007, GNP is down €5,398mln (-14.4%).

Output in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing has fallen (in constant market prices and seasonally adjusted) €348mln (-30.2%) qoq, but is up 15% or €105mln in yoy terms. Relative to pre-crisis 2007 levels, sector output is up €104mln (+14.8%).

Industrial production declined €1,036mln (-8.7%) qoq and is up €419mln (+4%) yoy, while registering an increase of €227mln (+2.1%) on Q3 2007. These figures combine booming exporting sectors and collapsing building and construction sector. In building & construction, output grew €16mln (+1.9%) qoq, but is down €224mln (-20.4%) yoy and is down €1,423mln (-62%) on Q3 2007.

Distribution, transport & communications sector - a brighter spot last quarter, shrunk €129mln (-2.4%) qoq and is down €¡37mln (-2.6%) yoy. Compared to Q3 2007, the sector is down €1,064mln (-17.1%).

Other services, including rent are up €225mln (+1.3%) qoq, but down €531mln (-3.0%) yoy. The sector is down €1,889mln (-10%) on Q3 2007.

Chart below shows annualized returns by sector using data for the 11 months through November 2011 annualized using historical trends:

And the chart below shows in more detail the plight of Building & Construction sector:

Overall forecast for real GDP and GNP for 2011 based on data through November 2011 is not encouraging:
In the chart above, analysis of the latests data and historical trends suggests that 2011 GDP can come in at 0.7% growth rate, with GNP declining by -0.7% at the same time.

Net factor income from abroad - aka MNCs profits expatriations - declined in Q3 2011 to €8,136mln - or €262mln less than in Q2 2011. MNC's profits expatriation is now running €1,347mln ahead of Q3 2010 and €2,197mln ahead of Q3 2007 as record exports are fueling transfer pricing. So that 'exports-led recovery' thing... oh, it's dead in the water, folks. As predicted, record exports are not enough to sustain the entire economy. But more on this in a follow up post with detailed analysis of expenditure-based QNA.

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