Monday, December 12, 2011

12/12/2011: QNHS Q3 2011 - Take 2

Another quick note on the QNHS latest data:

  • Total labour force is now down 147,600 on peak levels
  • Total employment is down 346,800 on peak levels
  • The demographic dividend is bust.
Table of sectoral changes to summarize latest data (note, public sector data is from the main QNHS, so it is less accurate than data reported in previous post):

Notable differences arise in terms of part-time and ful-time employment changes. relative to pre-crisis levels, full-time employment is down 21.5% while part-time employment is up 9.6%. Thus, overall quality of employment is deteriorating rapidly. But while yoy full-time employment is being displaced by part-time employment -3.69% to +1.76%, qoq both part-time and full-time employment is shrinking.

Relative to pre-crisis levels, employment is down in all sectors except Transportation & Storage (+3.28%),  ICT (+9.35%),  Education (+3.02%), and Human Health and Social Work Activities (+9.46%).

Overall number in employment is down 15.82% on pre-crisis levels. Meanwhile, of sectors that posted declines in employment over the same period:
  • Largest declines were recorded in the collapsed Construction (-59.53%), in the allegedly-booming Agriculture, forestry and fishing (-28.9%) and Industry (-23.25%). 
  • In addition, Administrative and support services (-20.25%) and Accommodation and food service activities (-18.01%) posted deeper than average cuts.
  • Shallow cuts were recorded in Financial, insurance and real estate activities (-6.12%) and Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (-5.45%)

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