Friday, November 25, 2011

25/11/2011: Eurocoin signals recession for the euro area

And so the euro zone is now most likely in a recession. That's right, the R word is back.

Today, CEPR released its composite leading economic indicator for November - eurocoin - and the measure has posted it second consecutive monthly negative reading on foot of six consecutive monthly declines. Here are the details.

Eurocoin fell to a recessionary -0.20 in November 2011, from -0.13 in October and +0.03 in September.  The 3mo MA is now at -0.1 and 6 mo MA declined to +0.148. A year ago, the indicator stood at +0.45. Chart below updates, including eurocoin-consistent forecast for growth.
The following charts show the ECB decision-making inputs:

So ECB rates consistent with current growth are in the range of 1.0-1.5% - basically bang-on the current rate. However, inflation remains sticky and all indications are it will come in at around 2.7% in November, suggesting that rate expectation is for no change at beast (optimal rates consistent with this rate of inflation is in the neighborhood of 4%).
The ECB dilema continues.

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