Wednesday, November 2, 2011

02/11/2011: A DofF note on Anglo Bonds Repayments

Here's the bull***t that passes for 'advisory analysis' for politicians - the copy of the note sent out to Government TDs from a specific party based on the Department of Finance information. I am publishing it here without any specific comments - judge for yourselves reading it - my only general comment is that it is uses a number of deceitful tricks, false juxtapositions and selective omissions to present the case for repaying unsecured unguaranteed bondholders in Anglo Irish Bank / IBRC.

(You can click on the pages to enlarge the text. I am publishing it without an explicit HT so as not reveal my source).


  1. Georg R. BaumannNovember 02, 2011

    Unf!@£$%^believable! Precisely these lies are the stuff that the public perception game is played with, propaganda BS on purpose to distort reality.

  2. Unbelievable - true democracy in action!!

  3. Marcus McSpartacusNovember 02, 2011

    It may be bullspit, but do go ahead and feel free to tell us why - go on, let it rip.

  4. ThatsMeTryingNovember 03, 2011

    Clearly Irish taxpayers paying off odious Anglo debt is a "fiction". Fianna Fáil is dead. Long live Fianna Fáil.
