Monday, October 31, 2011

31/10/2011: Bailout-3: The Gremlins Rising premiers

What a day this Monday was, folks. What a day. Just 4 days ago I predicted that the latest 'Bailout-3: The Gremlins Rising' package by the EU won't last past January-February 2012. And the markets once again cabooshed my perfectly laid out arguments squashing my prediction.

As of today we had:

  • Italian bonds auctioned last week at 6.06% yield for 10 year paper, the most since 1999. The yield was up from 5.86% at the auction a month ago which marked the previous record high. For Italy, given its growth potential and debt overhang, yields North of 5.25-5.3% would be a long-term disaster. Yields close to 6.1% are a disaster! But things were worse than that last Friday: the Italian Treasury failed to fullfil its borrowing target of €8.5bn to be sold. Instead, the IT sold only €7.9bn worth of new paper. Boom - one big PIIGSy gets it in the 'off-limits' region!
  • Also on Friday, Fitch issued a note saying that 'voluntary' haircuts of 50% on Greek debt will constitute... eh... a default / credit event (see report here). Which kinda puts a boot into the softer side of the 'Bailout-3' deal. Boom - Greece gets it in the gut!
  • Today, Belgians went to the bond markets and got rude awakening: Belgium placed €2.155bn worth of bonds along 3 maturities: 2014, 2017 and 2021. The country wanted to raise €1.7-2.7bn (with upper side being more desirable), so there was a shortfall on allocation. 10 year bond yields for September 2021 maturity are at 4.372% against 3.751% for those issued in September 2011. Belgium is yet to raise full €39bn planned for 2011 as it has so far covered €37.517bn in issuances to-date. it will be a tough slog for the country with revised deficit of 5.3% of GDP in 2012 (assuming no new austerity measures) and debt/GDP ratio of 94.3% expected in 2012. Boom - a non-PIGSy gets a kick too.
  • Also today, Germany marched to the markets with €1.933 billion in new 12-month bubills at a weighted average yield of 0.346% and the highest accepted yield of 0.354%. On September 26th, Germany sold same paper at an average yield of 0.2418%. Today, Germans failed to allocate €67mln of bills despite an increase of 40% in yields in just 5 weeks. Big Boom - the largest Euro area economy gets smacked!
  • And for the last one - per reports (HT to @zerohedge : see post here): Europe, hoped to issue €5 billion in 15 year EFSF bonds. Lacking orders, it cut issuance volume by 40% to €3bn and the maturity by 33% to 10 years. As @zerohedge put it: "But so we have this straight, Europe plans to fund a total of €1 trillion in EFSF passthrough securities.... yet it can't raise €5 billion?" Massive Boom, folks - mushroom cloud-like.
So here we have it, a nice start for the first week post-'Bailout-3: The Gremlins Rising'...

1 comment:

  1. Georg R. BaumannOctober 31, 2011

    ...and this day ain't over yet, G-Pap 'pretends' to call a referendum.

    He gave no date or other details of the proposed referendum but said that he would seek a vote of confidence in parliament.
