Tuesday, October 11, 2011

11/10/2011: Industrial Production & Turnover: Ireland August 2011

Production for Manufacturing Industries for August 2011 surprised to the strong upside rising 11.4% higher on August 2010 (unadjusted basis) and 1.2% (seasonally adjusted) over three months from June through August, compared to 3 months prior to June. Industries volume of production rose 10.4% year on year in August, also a strong gain. Monthly increase in volume in Manufacturing (3.6%) was the strongest monthly gain recorded since 9.0% increase in September 2010, and 4.4% monthly gain in Industries was also the strongest since September 2010 monthly rise of 6.9%.
Manufacturing and Industry indices, as shown above, rose well above the shorter-term average. However, the core break out from the previously established pattern of volatility around the flat trend was in the Traditional Sectors. Specifically, Modern Sector volume of production expanded by 10.2% year on year and 0.9% monthly. These were the strongest yearly gains in the series since December 2010 and introduce a break from annual contractions posted in three months between May and July. Traditional Sectors posted a massive 16.7% jump in volume of production in monthly terms - the largest monthly gain on the record and 10.8% annual rate of growth - also the strongest growth on record.
As the result, the gap between Modern and Traditional sectors activity by volume has closed substantially in August, from 43.3 in July to 30.3 in August posting the shallowest gap since August 2010.

Equally importantly, the seasonally adjusted industrial turnover index for Manufacturing Industries
was 7.0% higher in August 2011 when compared with August 2010, and 4.9% higher mom. The annual rate of growth in August was the highest since February 2011 and the monthly rate was the highest since May 2010.

Again, as per chart above, both series now have broken well above their flat recent trend, although the breakout is consistent with volatility in the Q4 2010-Q2 2011.

Another encouraging sign is that Modern Sector employment grew from 64,700 to 66,000 between Q2 2011 and Q1 2011, although it remains below 66,300 in Q3 2010. All other sectors employment expanded from 129,600 to 129,900 Q2 2011 to Q1 2011 and All Industries employment grew from 194,300 in Q1 2011 to 195,900 in Q2 2011.

In 3 months between June 2011 and August 2011, in year-on-year terms, the following notable gains and declines in volume activity were recorded in:
  • In Food products and Beverages there was 0% growth in volume - an improvement on preceding 3 months period which recorded a yoy contraction of 5.4%, with Food Products contracting 2.4% yoy (improving on 8.5% yoy contraction in 3 months from May through Jul 2011), while Beverages grew by a substantial 12.2%, building on 10.6% yoy expansion in May-July.
  • Textiles and wearing apparel volumes declined 28.5% yoy
  • Printing and reproduction of recorded media sub-sector volumes shrunk 14.7%, a slight improvement on 15% contraction recorded in yoy terms for May-July period.
  • Chemicals and chemical products grew 27.3% (there was 23.9% rise recorded in May-July period), while Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations sub sector volumes grew 2.0% offsetting 2.9 contraction in May-July.
  • Computer, electronic, optical and electrical equipment sector volumes contracted 10.9% yoy, virtually unchanged on 11.0% decline recorded in May-July, primarily driven by Computer, electronic and optical products which account for 90%+ of total value added in the sector and which declined in volumes by 10.5% yoy (worse decline than 10.1 contraction in May-July)
  • Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified expanded by 19.1%
  • Transport equipment grew by 14.8%
  • Other manufacturing contracted by 8.8%
  • Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply volumes were up 1.5% yoy
  • Capital goods sector volumes posted another contraction of 1.0% yoy, improving on 1.3 decline recorded in may-July
  • Intermediate goods production volumes fell 13.2%, also better than 14.1% decline in May-July
  • Consumer goods production grew 3.0%, reversing 1.8% decline in May-July, of which durable goods production volumes were up 12.2% although these account for 1/32nd of the total value added in the category, non-durable goods grew by 2.9%.

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