Thursday, August 25, 2011

25/08/2011: German Index of Business Climate post another sharp contraction in August

Germany's Ifo index of business climate posted another large-scale contraction in August according to the latest reports.
  • Index of Business Climate now stands at 108.7 (still in the expansionary territory), down from 112.9 in July. 2Q 2011 average for the index is 114.3 and 3Q 2011 (to-date) average is now at 110.8. Year on year, Business Climate index is down 2.4 points. This is the second consecutive monthly contraction.
  • Business Situation index also registered a contraction to 118.1 in August from 121.4 in July - a second monthly contraction in a row.
  • Index of Business Expectations fell precipitously, reaching 100.1 in August, down from 105.0 in July, marking the 6th consecutive month of declines. Index average for 2Q 2011 is 107.1 and 3Q 2011 (to-date) average is 102.6. Business Expectations are now down 8.9 points on August 2010.
All-in the latest reading continues to signal rapid slowdown in business activity, although the levels of the index remain in expansion territory.

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