Tuesday, August 23, 2011

23/08/2011: July Banks Survey - Euro area credit supply - Expectations

3 months forward expectations for lending conditions in Euro area, based on July 2011 data from the Banks Lending Survey run by ECB indicate that:
  • Overall lending standards by Euro area banks are expected to tighten in 3 months following July 2011 by 9% of survey respondents - a number that has been rising now consecutively for 3 quarters.
  • Overall lending standards are expected to ease by just 2% of survey respondents, down from 5% reporting back in April 2011.
  • The respondents expect virtually no change in lending conditions for SMEs
  • Lending to large enterprises is expected to tighten over the next 3 months by 10% of the banks surveyed, while only 3% are expecting lending to ease.

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