Tuesday, August 16, 2011

16/08/2011: Euro area and German growth Q2 2011

Two quick updates on some economic data released today.

Germany posted virtually zero rate of growth with GDP in Q2 2011 adjusted for seasonal effects up just 0.1 percent on Q1 2011. Q1 2011 quarterly growth rate was revised to 1.3 percent. German GDP growth was 2.6% yoy in Q2 2011, down from 4.6% in Q1 2011.

France data released last week showed economy stagnated in the three months through June with zero growth rate qoq and 1.6% growth rate yoy in Q2 2011, down from 2.1% expansion in Q1 2011. Italy reported data on August 5th showing its GDP growing 0.3% qoq in Q2 2011, 0.8% yoy, down from 1.0% yoy growth in Q1 2011. Spain’s economy expanded by just 0.2 percent in Q2 2011 (qoq) and 0.7% yoy, against 0.8% expansion in Q1.

And so on... until eurostat posted euro area-wide growth rate of 0.2% qoq in Q2 2011, down from 0.8% qoq in Q1 2011. Year on year growth rate fell to 1.7% in Q2 2011 from 2.5% in Q1 2011. Exactly the same growth rates were recorded in EU27, showing that the ongoing slowdown is now spreading across non-euro area member states as well. The EU27 and the euro area growth rates are now below those in the US (+0.3% qoq).

Summary table courtesy of the eurostat:

The overall disappointing growth in the euro area was entirely predictable, given that the leading indicators were pointing to it for some time now (see here), the industrial output data (here), etc.

However, here's an interesting chart suggesting that months ahead are not going to be easy for German economy:
Pay especially close attention to the yellow line showing business expectations for economic activity in months ahead. The data above is through July 2011, the latest we have and it firmly shows that business expectations have now dropped to the lowest level since January 2010, marking as fifth month of consecutive declines. The index stood at 105.0 in July 2011, down from the Q1 2011 average of 110.1 and Q2 2011 average of 107.1.

Euroarea leading economic indicator is now slipping since the beginning of July and this confirms continued weakness in the growth series.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this analysis, Constantine.

    I wonder will this data influence ECB interest policy?
    Given that growth is minimal to anaemic the prospects for inflation in the Eurozone based on growth must be in question?
