Tuesday, July 5, 2011

05/07/2011: Employment in Services and Manufacturing - June 2011

As promised earlier, analysis of employment data from Manufacturing and Services PMIs for June 2011.
  • Headline on Services PMIs: After posting only marginal growth in the previous month at 50.5, Irish services activity rose at a faster pace in June to 52.4. However, overall Q2 2011 average at 51.0 signals lower rate of expansion than Q1 2011 at 53.4. Current index is above it's 12mo MA of 51.6.
  • Headline on Manufacturing PMIs: June activity signals a slowdown at 49.8, down from expansionary May reading of 51.8. Q1 2011 expansion of 56.1 average has moderated through Q2 2011 to 52.5. 12mo MA is at 52.6.
  • Employment sub-index in Manufacturing showed further acceleration in the rate of decline from 49.9 in May to 48.3 in June. The sub-index now stands below 12mo MA of 50.2. Q1 2011 average was expansionary 53.2 and despite two consecutive months of contractions, Q2 sub-index still reads 50.7. This compares favorably relative to Q3 2010 reading of 46.8 and Q4 2010 reading of 49.9. Employment in Manufacturing has now fallen for two months, breaking expansionary readings trends established over December 2010-April 2011.
  • Employment sub-index in Services remained flat at 48.1, signaling continued contraction in May and marking a second consecutive month of contractions since an outlier expansion in April 2011 to 51.1. 12mo MA is now at 48.7, while Q1 2011 reading was 49.2, accelerating down to 49.1 in Q2 2011. In comparison, Q3 2010 reading was 48.9 and Q4 2010 reading was 47.6, so the rate of jobs attrition in the sector has declined in H1 2011 relative to H2 2010. With April 2011 out-of-line reading of expansion, this index remains in contractionary territory in 39 out of 40 last months

With both Manufacturing and Services signaling contractions in employment, we are now firmly into jobless recovery territory in Services and stepping into the recessionary territory for Manufacturing.

It is worth noting that volatility of employment sub-index has risen since the beginning of the crisis in Manufacturing, but declined in Services, most likely due to the persistent trends in domestic services. The same pattern is true for core PMIs.

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