Friday, June 17, 2011

17/06/2011: Who's Confidence is it, folks?

Here are few charts to illustrate the fact that some 3 years into the 'Restoring Confidence' strategy of the successive Irish Governments... and things are not exactly working out.

First straight up, the markets 'voting' on Irish banks:
Looks like investors are not really in tune with Irish Government plans for 'repairing' our banking system despite unprecedented guarantees from the Sovereign which have:
  • Explicitly underwritten virtually all deposits and most of the bonds held or issued by the IRL6;
  • Implicitly underwritten virtually any extent of losses in the IRL6;
  • Explicitly purchased some of the worst 'assets' held by the IRL6; and
  • Explicitly underwritten all of the IRL6 funding through ECB and CBofI lending facilities
And what about the entire system of domestic financial institutions? Well, the story is pretty much the same:Recall, thus that at the present (and the picture remains stable in this context since around late 2008):
  • Financial investors have no confidence in IRL6 (as these charts illustrate)
  • Fellow peer banks around the world have no confidence in IRL6 (as clearly indicated by the fact that other banks are not willing to lend to IRL6)
  • Bond markets have no confidence in IRL6 (since none of IRL6 can issue any debt paper)
  • The ECB has no confidence in IRL6 as it desperately tries to shed their borrowings off its balance sheet (including by shifting it onto CBofI balancesheet)
  • Private sector have no confidence in IRL6 as they have taken out some €24 billion worth of funds from IRL6 (per April 2011 data from CBofI) or 23% relative to peak
So the only ones still showing confidence in IRL6 is... Irish Government itself, with the Sovereing - itself severely strapped for cash - putting some €18.566 billion worth of taxpayers money into Irish banks deposits since April 2010. That's a whooping ca 8-fold increase in Confidence, then.

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