Friday, June 10, 2011

10/06/2011: Capital Assets Acquisition in Industry - Q4 2010 data

Another data update for Ireland - Capital Investment in Industry, based on the CSO data for Capital Acquisitions.

Updating to Q4 2010:
  • Total volume of new capital acquisitions in the industry in Ireland reached €911mln in Q4 2011, up32.5% yoy.
  • New investment in capital acquisitions in Ireland for 2010 reached €2.333bn, down 25.4% on 2009 and less than half the level recorded in 2008 (€5.033bn). This was the lowest amount of capital acquisitions over the years 2006-2010.
  • Combined investments into capital acquisition in Pharmaceutical, Computer and Machinery sectors reached €261mln in Q4 2010 up 43.4% yoy. Total annual level of new investment in capital acquisition in these sub-sectors stood at €592mln in 2010, down 42.7% on €1.034bn n 2009 and down on annual levels in 2008 (€1.695bn), 2007 (€1.603bn) and 2006 €1.054bn)
Chart to illustrate:

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