Saturday, January 15, 2011

15/01/2011: Capex in Irish Industry

Capital acquisitions in industry in the third quarter of 2010 were €572.0m, compared with €735.6m in the third quarter of 2009 per CSO's latest data released this week. The main contributors to capital acquisitions were sectors:

  • Food products with €69.2m.
  • Pharmaceutical products and preparations with €49.3m.
  • Other Manufacturing with €38.5m.

In 2009, the main contributors to capital acquisitions were:

  • Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations €581.1mln
  • Food Products €264.5mln
  • Machinery and equipment n.e.c. €258.5mln

Total acquisitions in 2009 were €3126.4mln and Q1-Q3 2009 total was €2,438.9mln against €1,577.1mln for Q1-Q3 in 2010, implying a decline of 35.3% yoy.Clearly, no investment / capex restart anywhere in sight:

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