Friday, April 16, 2010

Economics 20/04/2010: Fas training for ex-Dell workers

Last week, media report (Silicon Republic, 16/04/10, 300 out of 1,900 former Dell workers received FAS training) provided some evidence that was supposed to show us just how effective Fas training systems can be.

"The Steering Committee responsible for advising on the implementation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the 1,900 former Dell workers in Limerick has revealed that 300 have received FAS training so far... The committee chaired by Oliver Egan, assistant director general in FAS. Another meeting is scheduled for towards the end of this month."

So hold on - so far, we know, there were meetings. And more meetings will happen.

"The Minister for Labour Affairs, Dara Calleary TD, commented: “There is a lot which has been done already and is being done with EGF support in the mid-west and which is perhaps only now starting to become visible”."

What is Minister on about here? (italics are mine): "In relation to concrete measures the Minister highlighted:
  • The guidance service FAS provided to more than 1,900 former workers to date with some 300 persons receiving training in 2009 [note: this is a standard practice for large scale layoffs. How many of these 'graduates' actually found a job?]
  • That in the first quarter of 2010, training and educational activity has increased with more than 200 EGF clients currently enrolled in evening classes, more than 250 EGF clients are registered with the Limerick City Adult Education Service [is that registration a pre-condition for some additional unemployment or other financial support?];
  • That both Limerick Institute of Technology and University of Limerick have implemented a broad range of educational programmes for EGF clients [how many are enrolled? what types of programmes? what is the expected completion date?];
  • That more than 150 clients having availed of EGF training support grant administered by FAS to date [so we have 1,900 workers laid off enrolled total, 300 completed Fas training, 150 are receiving a special subsidy, 100 more are 'registered'];
  • That Fas runs a community-based initiative for more than 100 EGF clients [community-based initiatives rarely lead to gainful employment];
  • That some 225 clients are registered with the City and County Enterprise Boards and are undertaking start-your-own-business programmes [Who administers these programmes? What are graduation rates and what are the success rates for new entrepreneurs?];
  • The commencement of a dedicated EGF internship programme in partnership with the medical devices sector which will see more than 80 clients attending a series of workshops in April with successful candidates progressing into the full internship programme in June 2010 [This is perhaps the closest that Fas would ever come to giving these workers real hope of a gainful employment].
So, over 6 months after the layoffs, there are absolutely no hard numbers Minister Calleary can supply to show any success in progressing the former Dell workers into gainful employment. Surely, this is disturbing, given that Fas work does not come cheap and given that Minister has managed to set up a score of various schemes and taskforces - none of which are free to the taxpayers.

"I have committed to reviewing the overall programme in June to ensure that we are maximising the reach of the programme and to identify any additional or innovative measures that might be further considered,” Mr Calleary said. Really? So far, there are no indications that the review is going to be effective in assessing Fas' effectiveness in designing, administering and deploying these programmes.

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