Monday, April 12, 2010

Economics 13/04/2010: ESRI's latest forecasts for Ireland

ESRI's latest quarterly commentary is coming out today. Here are the core numbers:

  • 2010, "expect GNP to be essentially unchanged from its 2009 volume; the corresponding figure for GDP is ½ per cent less than in 2009".
  • 2011, "expect GNP to grow by 2¾ per cent and GDP to grow by 2½ per cent. While this return to growth is to be welcomed, it should be seen as a modest pace of growth."
My double take:
  • 2910 figures are fine for GDP, a bit optimistic for GNP
  • 2011 figures would be above my forecasts of 1.7-1.9% GNP, 2.0-2.2% GDP.
"In spite of the stability in the numbers employed, we expect unemployment to fall between 2010 and 2011, averaging 13¾ per cent in 2010 and 13 per cent in 2011. This expected fall in the rate of unemployment is related in part to expected migratory outflows – 60,000 in the year ending April 2010 and 40,000 in the year ending April 2011. We also expect to see on-going falls in labour force participation."

My view - if we are to have 60K outward migrants in 2010, what would hold the others back in 2011? There will be no prospects for new employment (and ESRI agree) and there will be improved jobs offers abroad (IMF agrees), so why not 80K in 2011 to follow 60K outflowing in 2010?

"In our analysis, we assume that the Government will implement its indicated budgetary package for 2011 where spending cuts and tax increases will amount to €3 billion. When combined with a return to modest growth and the consequent impact on revenues, we expect to see the General Government Deficit falling to 10¾ per cent of GDP in 2011, down from 12 per cent in 2010."

Putting aside the issue of whether this Government has ability to implement planned cuts, 10.75% deficit in 2011 certainly implies that there is no chance of Ireland meeting its obligations to reduce deficit to below 3% of GDP by 2014.

"We note that the recapitalisation needs of the Irish banks are now likely to be at least €33 billion, assuming that the State investment in Anglo Irish Bank ultimately amounts to €22 billion. In terms of net cost to the State, a figure of €25 billion is possible."

Great, folks, €22-27 billion was my estimate of the eventual cost of Nama produced back in the H1 2009. ESRI finally converged to this forecast of mine. Good to note.


  1. Constantin,

    Although somewhere deep inside your readers always wanted to believe that you are a well informed knowledgeable optimist, this estimate surpasses anybody’s’ expectations!

    Your forecast might become a reality, but only in the case if the rest of the world will prosper by 2011, which seems possible only to the people on hard drugs or government payrolls.


    PS. Pls keep your phenomenal productivity up for the sake of the nation

  2. Chapter two:

    The Institute also said the cost of saving the banking system was manageable and it warned that a rejection of the Croke Park agreement on pay and reform by public service unions could lead to higher borrowing costs for the Government.


    Don’t worry about that iceberg we struck about an hour ago captain. The damage caused to the hull is manageable and we’ve warned the dead bodies in the flooded compartments that they must agree to our new conditions on pay and reform.
