Saturday, March 27, 2010

Economics 27/03/2010: Breaking News: AIB and FF/Government

Major news breaking in the media rooms:
AIB (the first story below)
RedC Poll (the second story below)

Story 1:

The first story is about the leaks reported by Newstalk (see here) that AIB will announce before opening of trading on Monday that the state will be taking a 65% stake in the bank.

Per senior source in the Dail (hat tip to B) - the reason for AIB guiding 65% ownership now is that in addition to Nama haircuts, they are, allegedly, seeing significant deterioration in the sub-€5mln loans (the loans below Nama-eligible threshold).

This is hardly surprising. Since May 2009 I have consistently supplied estimates as to the eventual state ownership in both AIB and BofI. Depending on various scenarios:
  • assumed Nama haircuts,
  • the actual current risk weighting on the loans being transferred,
  • share price at the time of announcement and
  • the willingness of the banks and the Government to recognize future expected losses on the loans not transferred to Nama
RVF approach to valuing AIB and BofI balancesheets suggests that at the end of the current crisis, the state will outright own around 85-90% of equity in AIB and 50-60% in BofI. This eventual outcome, for political reasons, will come in two stages:
  • post-Nama injection of capital (with AIB placing around 60-70% of its equity with the State and BofI placing around 40-45%), plus
  • second stage recapitalization to correct for continued deterioration in the books over 2010-2011 (adding another 20-30% of equity for AIB and 10-15% for BofI)
The problem with this two stage recapitalization is that the taxpayer will end up paying three times for the same equity:
  • Having injected €7 bn into two banks at the time when they were worth less than €2.5 bn for the entire lot,
  • we are now be left on the hook for some €20 bn worth of largely worthless loans - to be purchased at ca 30-40% discounts (against the real market discount of 65-90%),
  • plus €7-8 bn in fresh capital post-Nama
  • plus the margin of ca 10-15% for further deterioration in non-Nama loan books (requiring another €7-9 bn of fresh capital).
Thus the Irish state is now likely to use up to €20 bn to buy up equity and loans from a bank that is currently worth around €1.5 bn... In the world of finance, even the most reckless bankers never managed such margins.

Alternative: force banks to acknowledge the full extent of their expected losses (as Swedes did in the 1990s), then force them to take the bondholders and equity holders to the cleaners (as Swedes did in the 1990s), and only then take equity - or in effect, take full equity in the banks. The cost for AIB would be around €10-12 bn, depending on how deep of a haircut on senior bondholders the banks can impose.

Story 2:

Tomorrow's RedC poll

Here is a preview - as was supplied to me by my sources (a disclaimer is due here: these are as provided by the source, so check tomorrow's papers for actually confirmed figures). Parties support:
The poll was conducted on Monday-Tuesday, so it does not reflect change of opinion in the wake of Cabinet reshuffling and the dissident TDs comments. Both factors can be expected to contribute to further decline in FF ratings, speculatively pushing core FF support post-Thursday to 21-22%.

Some specific questions:
“Brian Cowen understands people like me” - 31% agree
“Brian Cowen is a good Taoiseach” - 27% agree
“Brian Cowen is a safe pair of hands” - 31% agree
“Brian Cowen is the man to lead us out of recession” - 29% agree

Hat tip to NN.

I wonder what the same punters would say about our leaders now, after the reshuffle debacle and the open dissent amongst the back-benchers.


  1. Story 1 : Alternative.


    The behaviour of Fianna Fail and the Green Party is at very best a disgrace.

  2. Irish bank shares in BOI and AIB soaring after NAMA discounts
    see here

  3. "AIB will announce before opening of trading on Monday that the state will be taking a 65% stake in the bank"

    Keep drinking the koolaid- laughing out loud
